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Missions & Outreach


Matthew 25:31-46 calls all of us to actively engage in our communities and the world to act boldly and compassionately to serve the hungry, the oppressed, the imprisoned, and the poor.  Jesus invites us to be fearless and purposeful disciples.  The Presbyterian Church (USA) is inviting congregations to look at new possibilities and to seize the moment to join in this national initiative. 

Just a reminder about our ongoing Matthew 25 initiative that we call “Can a week”.  It can also be a “box a week” or another shelf staple.  There is a basket at the entrance of the sanctuary for you to place your contribution.  You might want to think about BOGO.  Not “buy one get one”, BUT “buy one give one”.  Your “can a week” can help the hungry as in Matthew 25.

Mission and Outreach is one of the purposes of our church in Lake Mary.  There are several ministries that we do on an ongoing basis that come under this umbrella. 


Each act of giving can be an expression of worship and loving obedience to God.  We honor God with the best of our time, talent and treasures motivated by love. 


Other ministries that only require a little effort on the part of each of us are as follows...

Can a Week – bring a can or other non-perishable item for our food baskets, located in the back of the sanctuary.  These baskets of food help those in need who stop by the office in need of our help. 

Pennies from Heaven – each Sunday the children give you the opportunity to contribute to this cause when they circulate with their little buckets.  At one time the money bought several goats for Haiti; at present, the money is used for anyone in need. 


Hope N Literacy - Hope N Literacy International Foundation, Inc. was organized in 2004, by its President/Founder Joe (Josue) Raymond, for the purpose of advancing the religious and academic education of the children and adults of the village of Casse-Pied, Haiti.

Cup of Cheer Ministry 2023

                                                                                                Cup of Cheer Florals



Cup of Cheer – Suzanne McLelland makes flower bouquets in mugs that are donated.  These are given to shut-ins, neighboring businesses, or anyone who needs a smile. We welcome donations of unused mugs.

Flower arrangements for Cup of Cheer were made possible by the Dovan Family. Their kindness and charitable nature touched the lives of twelve Lake Mary residents residing in the Brookdale and Spring Hill Health and Rehabilitation Center. Christmas cup of cheer arrangements was delivered to seventy-five of God's children. A job well done by our church family from creation to deliveries and greatly appreciated.

Pillow Case Dress Ministry – Suzanne McLelland started a new ministry that's part of a national program called “little dresses for Africa”.  Several women of the church gathered at Suzanne’s house to cut, pin, press, and sew, making several little dresses. Donations of pillowcases, bias tape, trimmings, lace, rickrack, and polyester nylon ribbons are appreciated.

Pillowcase dresses
Pillowcase dresses get blessed 2023.jpg
Pillowcase dresses get blessed 12.2023.jpg

December 2023


Blessing of the pillowcase dresses as they are being sent to Haiti and Africa

March 2023 Pillowcase dresses blessed and on their way to Ecuador, PTL!!

“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can…” John Wesley

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a gathering place to celebrate JESUS;

a kind, diverse, and loving people,

growing in faith and friendship together;

a spirit-led fellowship of all ages,

 believers who value life and family-

the nucleus, where Christian values begin...

Adult Sunday School


Coffee Fellowship


Praise & Worship

Children's Church   

10:00 am - 10:45 am


10:30 am - 10:55 am


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:00 am - 12:00 pm   

Sunday Services

“No matter who you are or what your life has been like so far, the rest of

your life's journey can be different. With God‘s help, you can begin again.”

                                                                                        - Rev. Billy Graham

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First Presbyterian Church USA
City of Lake Mary, Florida

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First Presbyterian Church of Lake Mary


128 West Wilbur Ave - Lake Mary, FL 32746

(407) 321-1021

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