One thing we especially love at FPCLM
is celebrating together
We're more than a church... we are family

Lake Mary High School graduate with full ride to Vanderbilt University! His parents, Pastor Joe & Dawn are so proud, and we as his church family are too! We're grateful to Josh for his dedication to managing the audio at church each week. Congratulations Josh and continued prayers and blessings on your new journey :)

Pastor Joe is a proud papa!

Church family prays a blessing over Josh

Lake Mary High School graduate with full ride to Vanderbilt University! His parents, Pastor Joe & Dawn are so proud, and we as his church family are too! We're grateful to Josh for his dedication to managing the audio at church each week. Congratulations Josh and continued prayers and blessings on your new journey :)

Blessing of the pillowcase dresses as they are being sent to Haiti and Africa 12/2023

Pastor blesses the pillowcases en route for Ecuador

Cups of Cheer Ministry 2023

Blessing of the pillowcase dresses as they are being sent to Haiti and Africa 12/2023
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